Wanlin Ong | Extremely lazy | "If you wanna be happy, be."


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pets Corner by the Beach 2013

Whoop whoop whoop!!! Writing this post makes me happy! Because it's all about really cute animals that I've encountered during the Pets Corner by the Beach 2013 event that happened last last Sunday. ^^
Last year, sis and I helped two of our hamsters took part in the hamster competition last year but didn't win anything so we decided to drop the idea this year and just go there and enjoy ourselves~ I blogged about it last time!

Sometimes I'm really scared of dogs fighting.. Like most of the dogs will go forward and sniff the other dog? What if the other dog doesn't likes it? Will he bite him? 

 Next time, I would like to have a golden retriever or very small dogs like maltese, poodle etc.. Small ones so I can carry it easily with one hand! That'd be so cute! :)

 Wahaha this is the most adorable and friendly dog we met that day! We are not really sure what his name is but we name him Milo haha.

 Look at his ear!! It's always one up one down!

 What's the owner trying to do to Milo????

 Wahahaha spot that?!?!?! A bird!! The owner actually have one dog, one bird and one cat! All 3 of them are so obedient that they won't bite/irritate/eat each other. So sweet to be living together!


 Taking the animals pledge~

 Woot woot a humongous cat!

 Wahahahahah too cute. But feels sad for her because she couldn't move much from the straps and everything. Just sit there......

 Nice hair and shades you got there, buddy.

 :/:/:/:/:/ kinda felt a lil sad for her!

Milo's owner's cat!

 O_O totally unintentionally

Look at that ahjumma hairstyle.... (I mean the dog >-<)

 Wet Milo is back LOL

 Cute boy with his really obedient dog!

 Haha Milo and the cat rolling on the grass~~


 Not. your. usual. rabbit.





They have two somemore.


 Two polar bears hahaha

 Compare the rabbit size and the dog size. The rabbit is almost catching up wtf.


LOOK AT THIS!!! So freaking adorbs with all the clothes and shoes hahahaha. Next time I'm gonna dress up my dog to become the most vainest dog. >:)

 Awww look at that pink tongue!! And the fur is really.... a lot haha.

 :/ I don't really like seeing dogs like this because it makes me thinks that they're mistreated. No offence to the owner! I always feels like that when I see "weird" dogs like this....


 Finally..... the hamster competition! A new running track! Last time was...

Like this. Hamsters in the ball gotta run to the end and run back to the starting line.

 Now it became really simple and easy! The hamster balls will be placed in the middle...

 And when the time starts, the person-in-charge will take off the middle ring and the fastest hamster that touches the side of the track wins! Some hamsters doesn't even move an inch hahaha.

Biggest dog I've seen there. O.O

Milo look-alike! Hahahaha. Long in length, short in height. Too cute.

Happy weekends to all of you! :D


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