Since young, I wanna be famous. Be it through blogging, youtubing or whatsoever. I wanna be famous!! Well, it's not wrong to think big and far right? Who doesn't like to be famous and well-known? Except some... satisfied with life one la. I mean like, I'm satisfied with my i-don't-know-what-word-to-name-it(exciting? boring? whatsoever la) life, but still, I wanna have more!! I'm greedy yes!!
I believe a lot of people are famous through blogging like Xiaxue and many others out there. She has a lot of readers, but there will also be people that dislike her. Humans are like that, I'm like that too. I hate people who have bitch attitude and acts one big fuck in front of people. I hate a lot of people. I can surely say that there are people who hates me too(most probably I hate them too), so why care so much about that?
What's more if you're famous??? You'll bound to have more haters!! Well, of course many people will likes you too. You can do nothing about your haters, whereas do something about people who likes you. Then come on, stop making a fuss about it. What's so big deal about it? Of course some idiots will just dislikes you because of one matter and then they'll start talking things that probably doesn't exist and try to bring you down. Well, you can call that making a mountain out of a molehill. Oh please. They're called haters for a reason. Of course they'll say nasty stuffs about you and even malign you and say about something you've not done it before. Not like they'll say "oh you're pretty but I hate you". The problem is, why in the first place you've to care so much? Haters gonna hate, no matter how much you try to scold them back, do videos about them and everything, they're still gonna hate you!! Or hate you even more after you do all those stuffs? Wait. Maybe they'll even be happier because you actually gave them your attention.
Everyone judges. No matter what you do, everyone judges. I judge too!! I don't know what's wrong with that because it's plainly human nature but just be mindful when you judge and how you judge because it will be wrong if you crosses the line and say really nasty stuff.
For example:
*Girls short legs*
A: "Omg look at her short and fat leg! Ewww *laughs loudly*" I think this is ok.
B: "Omg you saw her fucking fat and short legs?!?! She looks like elephant!!! Haha what a ugly and fat elephant with legs that almost can't be seen because it is going to be hidden by her stomach fats." This is unacceptable.
*Girls short legs*
A: "Omg look at her short and fat leg! Ewww *laughs loudly*" I think this is ok.
B: "Omg you saw her fucking fat and short legs?!?! She looks like elephant!!! Haha what a ugly and fat elephant with legs that almost can't be seen because it is going to be hidden by her stomach fats." This is unacceptable.
So.. If you can't be mindful about what you say then don't judge! Simple as that. But really. What I really can't stand is that "famous" people get overreacted because of haters -_- Really? Really? Realllllyyyyyyyyyy? Maybe if you don't get so overreacted over such lame stuffs you might get lesser haters?
But seriously. All this stuffs are getting cliché. Everyone bound to have haters, everyone get judge.. So just get over the fact and fucking move on!! It's really pointless to see people doing so much "dedication" to their haters. Lol. It's kinda annoying to me. Like an entry to your haters to tell them how hating you is pointless and how childish they are with their childish-like mindset because they hates you for nothing and they say something about you that doesn't exist? If you can't take it, then TOO BAD. Hi this is the 21st century already and social networks has it name for a purpose. Can't take it, don't join! Hide in a corner and be a happygirl95.
Really. If you can't take it. Don't fucking create anything got to do with social networks.
They hates you? They dislike you? Then just fucking hate them back or ignore it. ALL YOUR SO-CALLED "DEDICATIONS" ARE REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. POINTLESS AND USELESS.

If you have no idea who's Joseph Kony, you should watch this heartwarming 30 minutes video.
Please share it. Make it worldwide, let the US take actions against him and arrest this fucking bastard.
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