Wanlin Ong | Extremely lazy | "If you wanna be happy, be."


Friday, May 11, 2012

I HATE IT (part 2)

In case you missed out part 1, here is it.

6) I hate it when people don't keep left when taking the escalator.

Please be considerate!!! If you're not in the rush, let people who are in the rush to go up/down at the right side of the escalator la! Don't understand why people have to block the way by standing at the right side of the escalator. DOES IT KILL FOR YOU TO MOVE TO THE LEFT AND LET PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE RUSH TO GO UP FIRST?!?!

Why some people have to be so inconsiderate and disgusting.

If you're thinking that if people who are in the rush can say "Excuse me" and you need not keep left, then fuck you and your stupid thinking. You think people who are in the rush still have the TIME to say "Excuse me" to every person who are blocking their way? They obviously want to chiong all the way, you still expect them to stop and say "Excuse me" to you, and wait for you to move aside? And then say "Excuse me" again to the next person who is blocking their way? -___- Stupid people who doesn't likes to keep left on escalator. Think about other people la! If you're not in the rush, then let people who are in the rush to go first. What's so fucking difficult to keep left on escalator. You block people's way you very happy?

And it's how stupid when the first person who decided to not keep left and then the next person also follows and then other people also follows. THEN BOTH LANES OF ESCALATOR IS FILLED WITH PEOPLE. -__- Don't you think these kind of people is damn irritating? Like there's problem with their mentality or legs that they can't keep left on escalator. Eeks.

I HATE PEOPLE WHO DON'T KEEP LEFT ON ESCALATOR. I will "diao" and stare at whoever who does that. I dislike inconsiderate people! Such major turn off.

7) I hate 8/8.30am classes.

Not because I have to wake up early. Okay, maybe this contributes a little but I'm fine with waking up early though it's kinda tiring.


And it's so warm and sticky and squeezy. Fuck!!! And worst still, sometimes trains at Jurong East keep on delaying and I've to wait for 3-4 trains before I can board. And that results in me late for lessons!

Imagine squeezing with smelly and sticky people, and you have to wait for forever before the trains arrive. And then when the MRT door opens, all the typical singaporeans(including me) starts to squeeze and chiong inside. Worst still, if you didn't manage to squeeze inside with the crowd, you still have to withstand the warmness and smelliness, and wait forever again for the next train to have better luck in squeezing in. -__- I hate everyday that is like this! Imagine you shower nice nice go school, in the end you sweat and everything, reach class become all sticky and smelly, there goes your effort and time in showering. Although I admit I seldom shower in morning because I already smell very nice. :D I can don't shower for one day but still smells nice the next day. Never lie!! :b

So I always hate 8/8.30 morning classes because I dislike squeezing and make myself sweat during the whole journey! Like you dress nicely to school and then reach school like a drenched duck. Sigh, how I wish I can have a chauffeur!! That will be one of the best thing in life. Imagine every morning your chauffeur drives you to school, after school drive you home or anywhere, after going out call him up and ask him to come and fetch you! WA SHIOK MAX!!!

But fat hope. Never will happen. Unless I find a really rich husband in the future. Hmmm. But just let me dream about it awhile la! Like this also shiok lolol.

8) I hate how blogshops things are so pretty but expensive.

Do you have that problem too?! Like you browse through numerous blogshops and found stuffs you like a lot but the price turns out to be the problem why you didn't buy it. Some prices are really exorbitant!

I admit it's affordable, but a tanktop for $26, will you buy? Maybe once in a while is fine with me la. And plus a lot of items you saw at blogshops can't be found anywhere and it's so pretty but it's so expensive! Ughhhh kill me. Worst decision of life. I bet it's everyone's problem too. If only I'm rich!! ;(

Ok I've decided to buy and then will only buy after few weeks later if I saw things I really like!

9) I hate people who always post emo nemo stuffs on Twitter, Facebook or all kinds of social networks.

Fuck you! Stop polluting the timeline. Why do you have to let the whole world know you're sad/emo/heartbroken? To get sympathy? Seriously........................ Get a life.

I really HATE people who 24/7 posts emo stuffs and then pollutes my timeline. You make me want to unfollow/unfriend you! It's bloody irritating. Why do people wants to let the whole world knows they're sad? I really don't get it. It's like washing dirty linen in public. This is social networks! It does not belong to one and only you. Keep your private and personal things to yourself! Nobody would be interested to know if you're happy or sad or emo or heartbroken etc. If you want to rant, create a personal private blog yourself and type all sorts of rubbish there, I don't care. But don't pollute people's timeline and thinking like it only belongs to you. It irritates people. Really.

It's so inconsiderate. And I detests inconsiderate and irritating people!!!!!!!!!!

I don't understand why people can emo 24/7 365. YOU'RE REALLY SO SAD MEH? Go counselling la wtf.

Post on social networks = Irritates people, pollute timeline, doesn't makes you any happier/less sad, let whole world know.

WHY WOULD LIKE TO DO THATTTTTTTTTTT. STOP IT!!! Omg it's getting on my nerves.

I shall unfollow/unfriend any people who does that 24/7 again.

10) I hate menses and menstrual cramps.

Enough said. Every girls would agree with me on this.


So that basically sums up TEN things I hate!! There's more I guess. But impossibly to list all out. I guess it's a little negative and sensitive to have a post like this. Promise you guys to post things I love next time! 

Maybe going Town later with boyfie despite my menses. Really love boyfie who is willing to accompany all the way down just to get some stuffs. Love him to the maximum!!! <3

Oh and yesterday steamboat at Bukit Timah Xian De Lai with bffs are awesome! Happy birthday to Michelle and Alicia! Love you guys <3 :-*