Wanlin Ong | Extremely lazy | "If you wanna be happy, be."


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's up?

I miss blogging!! Don't ask me why but I just do. Omg, I must be mad and addicted to blogging O_O

Mid-Semester Test(MST) approaching in two weeks time. And I'm totally not prepared! How great. I don't even know what to study. As in, is reading notes really enough? I don't understand most of the modules. Guess I need to really buck up. But I don't feel any pressure that drives me into studying yet. And I've totally no idea when will that "feel" come. 1 week before MST? 3 days?

No "feel" = No matter how hard I study, 90% can't go into brain

But I will start studying soon. Even if the "feel" doesn't come!! First test. I wish I can do well!

School has been alright so far. Just lectures and tutorials every week. What's new? Lots of work need to be done for tutorials. Everything is so mundane. Group work, each person do a few questions, research, collate all the work together, hand up. Sooooooooooo boring. Blah. That's how things go in SP!

Running Man Camp in SP!!! Should I sign up for it? My friends want to participate too! But each person $10 wtf. Why so expensive!! Only 1 day camp and a free tee. I don't wanna spend too much money again. ;( Registration ends at 18 May, Friday. Howwwww should I go??????????? Dilemma.

Friday, bbq at East Coast with classmates. Each person gets $10 for free from teacher/school and we can use it to eat anything to catch up with one another lol. I don't care about the catching up part since we've nothing much to catch up on, but yay!!! Free food hahaha.

Hope I can have more time spend with bf / family / sec school friends! Bf has been extremely cute lately. Haha love him <3 And he strike 4D!!!! Woohoo we agree to split the money 50/50 if he strikes. And he really wants to give me LOL.

Oh ya my main purpose of blogging today:


Too obsess in scratching huh? He scratches anywhere, anytime, anyhow lol!!! Toooo cuteeee.

1 comment:

  1. I'm inside in today's post !! :D *scratch*
