Wanlin Ong | Extremely lazy | "If you wanna be happy, be."


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Had my hair cut short!

I guess it's time to say goodbye to my hair. 

I've been thinking for quite a long time whether I should cut it or not. Because it's really long, and it's pretty (to me) and I kind of like it. I fear that after cutting it, the results may not be what I desire, turns out to be ugly, but I can't do anything but to live with it. You know that kind of feeling right? So I've been pondering for quite a long time! 

Every time I cut my hair last time, I used to go to EC (short for Express Cut) House to cut my hair. Because it's only $10 LOL. Ya the shop claim that they will cut within 10 minutes because time is money blah blah blah. So 10 minutes for $10, sounds legit? 

Wtf felt so utterly embarrassed after typing those words. YES LA I'M A CHEAPSKATE LAST TIME. Because I think hair is not really important. More important is that you have a pretty face.

Hahahahahahhahahaha wtf did I just say myself pretty. Just kidding. I admit I'm just average-looking, but still trying ways to improve my looks. ;)

So yes, I think my hair is really long. It is kind of creepy and scary sometimes. And it's super hard to maintain and doesn't fits the fucking warm weather in Singapore. 

Every time I will have to take like 20-30 minutes in the bathroom when I'm washing my hair. Normally, people will just press 1-2 times of the shampoo for your hair right? I need 4 times to cover my whole long and thick hair. Conditioner, worse. 5-6 times. Need at least 3-4 hours for it to be fully dry. 20 minutes to dry if you're using hair dryer. So much effort and time needed right? Money wasted too!


I used Essential Rich Premier shampoo and conditioner to maintain my hair!
It really makes damaged hair smoother and repairs it. 
There's also a pink version one which is Nuance Airy series, it gives your hair a light and bouncy feel! Also makes hair ends look lively! 

If you want the results to be EVEN better, use the Ultra Honey & Shea Butter!! I used this before, it is extremely extremely useful. It totally makes your hair A LOT smoother. But I didn't use now because I felt that my hair doesn't need this and I'm too lazy to apply haha.

F.Y.I - I only washed my hair once every two days so that my hair won't get too dry and frizzy.

Talking about weather, the weather these few days is C R A Z Y. Really crazy!! Perspiring every second even with fans on. Only air-con can save us. -_- It's really crazy. Makes me so reluctant to go out every time. Guess people with short hair can't even withstand the crazy heat, what's more me? Every warm weather like this, going out means I've to tie up my hair, if not I can't survive. Most probably get heatstroke (with a little exaggeration). 

But with such long hair of mine (pic later), tying up my hair will be very nice. Because it's so long and silky haha. But can't possibly tie up my hair every time right? So I've decided to just cut it. I mean get the hairdresser to cut for me.

So before I go into my new short hair (ok not really that short), a picture of my freaking ghostly long hair to scare you guys first!


Ok too late.

So yup this is my extremely long hair!! It even touches my ass. Hope it didn't scares you.

Anyway I took this shot in self-timer so this is the best it can get. Other shots can't even see the ends of my hair. This.... barely made it.

It's really difficult to maintain, and difficult for me to do a lot of things. When I'm at home, I'll always tie up my hair, or a bun. Because it is either my long center-parting fringes came in the way, or the weather is being a bitch. Oh and yes, or if I'm going to pee/poo. Because my hair is THAT long, it will surely touch my ass when I sit on the toilet bowl. Then if I forgotten to tie my hair up, I will need to flip my hair to the front so it won't touch. Or my hair will have gotten the pee or shit! Yes damn yucky and sucky and disgusting.

Other then all those cons, pros are it is pretty and angel-feeling (laugh out loud) and super nice when hair is tied up!

So I went to Limbang Signature Salon and have my hair cut! For around 20 minutes? It's finally done. =D Quite satisfied with the results. I like my fringe and the length of my hair. But I don't like when it's tied up because it looks so short and messy and the layering of my hair is horrendous. :( But I guess short hair will mean less tying of hair. So I will try not to tie my hair next time!

Anyway it cost me $14.

 Look at the amount of hair!! My precious, long hair.

 Went to eat meatball soup at Limbang food court (2nd level) after that.
Look at the amount of meatballs they gave me!! Above picture shows 15 meatballs, but there's still MORE below the meatballs, but unable to float up because there's just too many. And guess how much does this meatball soup cost?


You kidding me?!!?!? $3 for more than 15 meatballs!! The soup is tasty too. Omg it's such a steal.

Oh and I realised I have not shown you guys my final hair?

Here you go!

I think it looks more frizzy and thick.

Cut away like 7-8 inches OMG.


So how is it? 
Am I more suitable for long hair or short hair?

You may think it's not that short. But to me, from my super long hair to this short, it's considered pretty short to me.

Now, I miss my long hair. :(


  1. Ur hairs look so healthy ! How do u maintain ur hair?

  2. U cut ur fringe ? It's still centre parting

  3. Anon 1: Hello! As I mentioned in the post, I just shampoo it with Essential Rich Premier shampoo and conditioner once every two days. Nothing special though. Maybe it's because of rebonding too? I had it rebonded more than half a year though. :)

    Anon 2: Hello! Yup! I cut it shorter and less thicker. =D
