Wanlin Ong | Extremely lazy | "If you wanna be happy, be."


Sunday, May 13, 2012


I just bought a bucket bag at Skinned for $32.85 and 2 tops at Ashincans for $52. WTF I MUST BE MAD.

Sometimes I really hate myself when I see the way how I'm splurging money like this. As if money is unlimited. As if money drops down from the sky. As if I'm rich.

Like when I spend something, I will always calm self down by thinking I can earn back by saving from pocket money. Less eating, less spending on unnecessary things. Then? Spend the money I saved on clothings. What the fuck????????????? Clothings is not unnecessary things meh? I must be mad. Really. SOMEONE SAVE ME AND DISTRACT ME FROM BUYING SUCH PRETTY BUT UNNECESSARY STUFFS!!!!!!!!!!

I hate myself. The way I see money as an easy-come-easy-go thing.

Then when I see pretty and cheap stuffs, I will buy. If expensive, will think whether it's worth it to buy or not. Then most of time, I will buy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ok I wanna bang the wall now.

I really really really really have to stop thinking this way. :( Or my money will decrease and decrease and decrease from my bank account, and never increase!!! Or increase in the wrong place lor. My wardrobe. Zzz. -___-

Fuck la. I hate myself now. Gonna less splurge on unnecessary things from now on. I will have my sis and boyfriend to control me. I CAN DO IT!!! I want to deposit money into my bank account oftenly too ;(;(;( Every time see the amount inside my bank account decreasing every week, makes my heart breaks. Sigh. So gay I know but I can't help it.


Yesterday Tze Char with family and paternal side relatives was great! Food was great too.

Going another Tze Char at Bukit Panjang again later this evening with family and maternal side grandparents for Mothers' Day. Lolol. Gonna get fat again.

Fat and poor FML

Happy Mothers' Day to all 伟大 mommies out there! 


  1. Jacky say not spending your money. Give your credit card to him. ^^
    yi yiiii !!!
